Sunday, March 11, 2012

...Fabulous New Items Listed For "Pick Your Paint"

Here are a few more items I am adding to the "Pick Your Paint" page.  The first was found on one of my shopping trips.  It was one of those days that I REALLY did not need to purchase anymore furniture but absolutely could NOT pass it up!!  I hid it in my car til after my husband went to bed so he wouldn't know(yes, I do that often).  This would be the most perfect set for a little girls room! 

I can see it painted a pretty pale pink and trimmed in a antique white or maybe a sweet lavender.  It would look classic painted all in white.  Who am I kidding, this would look perfect in so many colors!

For the nightstand only sold

For the bed frame only sold

For the set sold

This is an antique vanity that a friend so graciously gave me when she was cleaning out her house.  Her Grandmother used to use it.  She has beautiful curvy legs and fabulous carved detail.  I love these kind of pieces that can be so versatile.  This could be used as a vanity, writing desk, next to a bed.  I am picturing it a grey with new hardware.

The vanity sold

Let me know if you see anything that catches your eye.  Don't forget to let me know if you have something specific your looking for.





  1. I am enjoying your blog!! I gave you an award today...enjoy!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words! I will make sure to get my "pay it forward" written in the few days.

