Wednesday, April 25, 2012

...A Sweet Emilie makeover

This particular piece was for my youngest client to date.  And the one I most wanted to be happy!  At 3 years old she came to me with one request...a purple bed please.  Who could deny that?!

The bed has been in her Mommy's family for years and we wanted to keep it that way.  It had been painted in the early 90's with a bright yellow ragging technique with a bouquet of flowers stenciled on the crest.

So I called in Annie Sloan's Emilie to save the day!  It is the most beautiful, soothing yet fun shade of lilac.





  1. SO PRETTY. Ya know purple is a color used for royalty and this bed looks like its made for a princess. I know she'll love it. GREAT JOB.
    Im now following you and hope you'll visit me at and hopefully you'll follow back. THANKS.

  2. Hi Candy! Yes, I think she may be a princess so it is perfect! Thanks for finding me. Will definately head over and check you out!
